Making Scientific Research a More Equitable and Diverse Enterprise
Everyone in the group receives a non-binding "contract" that specifies in detail what lab members should expect from the PI, and in turn, what the PI expects of them.
Science Club is a longitudinal, mentor-based approach to STEM education that aims to 1) increase youth science skills and help close the STEM “achievement gap”, 2) promote longer-term science identity and career paths among underserved youth, and 3) train scientists in science communication and public engagement skills. Each year, approximately 400 middle school youth (85% African American and Latino, grades 5-8) participate in the program at North Side Chicago Boys and Girls Clubs and YMCAs. Students tackle challenging, hands-on investigations that reflect 1) topics of inherent interest to youth, and 2) student engagement with authentic science and engineering practices. We partner with Science Club in a diverse number of ways: 1) lab members mentor Science Club students, 2) the lab hosts tours of students to see how science is done, 3) we help develop new learning modules for Science Club.
As part of the NSF Simons Center for Quantitative Biology, our lab hosts visiting scholars from around the world. We are particularly interested in hosting scholars from developing countries where scientific research is not funded to the extent of the United States.
Each year, our lab hosts one or two high school students who want to experience lab research and get a feeling for how research is conducted.
The PI is committed to giving talks and lectures to the public as a way to enlighten and educate the general public on the impacts and limitations of life sciences research.
As individuals, we need to make efforts to enhance inclusion of people who have been marginalized in science. The PI has participated in "Implicit Bias" and "Mentor Training" Workshops, and will be attending the Leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion course taught at Northwestern. Lab members attend either the “Creating Inclusive Spaces” or “Bystander Intervention” workshop taught by Northwestern.